A new President. A big economic Crisis. War . Unemployment . We sure do have plenty to worry about huh? So here is the super quick condensed "What should I do?" That is a good Question and here are some answers.
First of all, how old are you? if you are under 18, you should honestly study in school and get the most out of your "free" education because you ARE gonna need it!
if you are 18-22 Go to college if you can and get the most out of your "paid" education because you ARE gonna need it!
If you are 22-30 Get to work! find what you like to do and do it well! If you can't find what you like, do something that doesn't make you physically ill, and do it well!if you are 31-55 Keep up the hard work! If you have a chance to do something for your local community... School board, Adopt a highway, scout leader, Anything that can help. DO IT! OK and here are some crazy cutting edge Ideas that will blow your mind, but WILL HELP if you apply them... Ready?... Here goes...Don't buy things you can't afford! I know... kinda radical huh? Don't play the credit card game! It's NOT a game and you WILL lose If your not EXTREMELY self disciplined and careful. SAVE YOUR MONEY!!! CD's IRA's Savings accounts. By not following these simple Ideas The citizens of the United States and other countries have bankrupted themselves. Seriously, These Ideas are not new, they have just been forgotten. C'mon citizens! Let's get back to reality! Remember when Grandpa told us " If it sounds to good to be true it's NOT true"? Listen, If someone or some marketing team tells you you can have more stuff than you can afford, the reality is that they are full of Crapola! They say it in ways that sound reasonable at first if your not paying attention, but think about it. If you have more stuff (and therefore bills) than you can afford to pay for,..... YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PAY FOR IT!!!!! And guess what? They will take it all back and you will still owe them the MONEY!!!! For real! For REAL REAL!!!
Am I saying you should never use credit... No. I'm saying use "common sense" and remember this...Just because life isn't a game doesn't mean you can't loose! You absolutely CAN loose if your not being smart. So be smart, Work hard in School, your job, and in your personal finances. Through all that life will throw at you remember the Number One most important thing... Your relationship with God. Keep that good and your life will be fine! Our Creator tells us in His Bible over and over to be REASONABLE, To be shrewd in our business. (that means to be smart and careful). To keep our scales accurate. (that means be honest) and that we will eat by the sweat of our brow...(That means work hard)... Ok, Allen is done being " Political" now...
Oh and by the way, You can catch Autumn and I Tuesday - Saturday 9am - 5pm in the Photography Studio on the north side of the Square in Eagleville Missouri Serving Northwest Missouri, Southwest Iowa, the Midwest and Beyond with Extreme High End Photography at prices that reflect our understanding that we are in a recession. Stop by, Call, Text, or Email us and we will do our best to serve you with Photo's you will cherish for years to come! Senior Graduates Family Children Wedding Valentine ( Sweetheart ) Sports Dance and Event Photography!
Allen and Autumn
Thomsen Photography
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