Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Anne Geddes ... 75 degree temps in Phoenix! It's all GOOD!

What an honor to meet Anne Geddes today! you may remember Anne from her photo's with Celine D. or her many books and calendars and cards. Her appearances on the Opera Show, her child photography is world renowned! also her over 4 million dollar donation to help protect children from abuse... yeah she is pretty awesome.
Autumn and I were really taken with her today. She is a wonderful, REAL, class act.
We will be forever grateful for her kindness to us and her advice for us. Thank you Anne! your the very best in the business!!! Hope you don't mind we posted your photo with us on here... Like they say better to apologize later rather than ask first huh?
Seriously, Anne Geddes is a beautiful soul.
Allen and Autumn coming to you live from the warm sunny Phoenix Arizona!


  1. Awesome Photo guys - I'm so jealous...

  2. I love this pic it totaly shows how much fun you had in phenoix


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