Friday, November 13, 2009

Thoughts of the Hollidays.

As I grew up on the old farm I remember loving the warm summer days playing as little boys do with bugs and discovering the amazing diversity of life out there in the pastures that were home to our dairy cows. I remember running barefoot on the paths the cows made through the tree's along the small runoff forever known as " the crick". Oh the memories... Well, here we are getting ready for the winter of 09/10. Halloween is behind us (I think allot of kids are still sugar buzzing!!!) Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Now when I think of Thanksgiving I think of allot of things. Of course there are the dinners with the Turkey, the Dressing, the cranberry's the pies and all the goodies that go with that. At our house when I was growing up, we were poor. And when I say poor, I mean sometimes we were literally completely broke. I can remember struggling through those times, I can remember the hand me down clothes. It's all we had. I can remember those hard times very clearly. BUT, When Thanksgiving came around, we always celebrated with vigor! I was taught that no matter how hard life seems, NEVER forget to be thankful for what you have. You have breath in your lungs. You have the dream of a better day in your heart! Those are gifts! We all have bad things in life that seem unfair. Shoot they don't just SEEM unfair... They ARE unfair! My Mother once told me, " Be sure your not gauging your life by what you don't have" Meaning of course, to be happy for what you have, even if what you have is just that dream of a better day! At least when that hope exists you might have the drive to make the changes necessary to have that better day!

Our business demands we get ready for Christmas with our Christmas Package Special on November 21st (follow this link for details)

But Thanksgiving is next! And Thanksgiving Is such an important day! Don't let it pass without at least a moment to reflect and be thankful!!!!
Allen and Autumn
Thomsen Photography
The Midwest's Photographers!

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