Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Flood of 2010

Well here's the short story. On the 12th of June at around 1am the clouds they did open up. They dumped nearly six inches of rain in just around an hour. I watched (and took pictures) I was working late on editing and when I heard the rain (you never hear rain in here!) I grabbed the camera and out to the entranceway I went. I was taken at how hard it rained. Now folks, I was in the Navy and have seen my share of tropical storms and even a Hurricane. I worked Highway construction for thirteen years...This rain was more than anything I'd ever seen! I watched my rain guage go from zero to 3 and 2/3" in ten minutes. Seriously... Well, as it bore on I figured it would eventualy stop and so I thought I'd better be ready to leave. I opened the camera room door to check the dressing room lights. Sure enough, they were on. I noticed a reflection on the floor on the north wall and thought one of our huge mirrors had fallen. I flipped on all the camera room lights and it wasn't mirrors, it was water! My heart sank, I started moving equipment and I broke one chair by slipping and falling with it.(lucky I didn't kill myself!) I called Autumn at 1:42am (we checked) and said "bring mops, buckets, and anything else you can think of, we have flooded.

Today is June 24th... The new floor is complete. touchup paint is done... we are ready to bring in base board and equipment from the tractor trailor in the street! WOOP!
Photo's soon... After we get settled!

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