When taking photo's of small Children you need patience. You need a decent camera sure, you need light, absolutely, but more than any piece of equipment, you need to understand what's going on in a small child's mind...
1)they are NOT concerned with getting good photo's of themselves!
2)they are NOT concerned that you want good photo's of them.
3)they do NOT care how much time money and effort you've put into getting good photo's.
They just want to taste everything in the studio!
Here's the good news.
All of that is OK so long as you know how to use it in your favor!
Let's get off track for a moment...
when your outside shooting someone with long hair and there is a breeze blowing...
Don't fight nature... USE nature, to blow the hair in a artful desirable direction.
OK so back to small children...
Use their natural curiosity to get great photo's of them!
Put them in a lighted scene and give them stuff to play with...(or eat if it's OK with Mom)
See the expression on this child's face?
Such a wonderful expression brought on by a talented and charming photographer that was coaching this little one with the precision only a true professional photographer could have right?
He's chewing on honey nut cheerios!
You see, Photography isn't all math formula's and expensive gear... sometimes it is good old common sense!
Kid likes to eat...
feed kid....
taaaa daaaa!!!!
Thanks for reading this post. Please feel free to comment and share your stories of taking children's pictures!
Allen and Autumn
Thomsen Photography
thanks for the tips....!!! I love reading your blog...