Well here's how it went down.
Allen was watering the freshly seeded lawn at Thomsen Photography's new studio. After spraying himself in the face seventeen times in a row he figured out to turn the spray nozzle AWAY from himself and TOWARD the ground. Well, Autumn came out to tell him she'd just received a phone call from a young lady from Princeton. She helped him untangle himself from the garden hose and walked him into the studio. It wasn't long until Jill showed up with her mother and had a look around the place. After seeing that even though Allen appeared a little on the ...ummm... slow... side, The photo's they showed were honestly professional work. As it turned out, Jill decided to show Allen pity and become Thomsen Photography's Spokes model for the Princeton Area.
Thank you so much for working with us Jill. We hope you enjoy these photo's! Click them to make them larger, then right click them to save them for facebook or myspace or bebo or what ever you want.
You were SUCH a bright spot in our Saturday! Thanks again!
Allen and Autumn
Thomsen Photography
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